

About Us

Sustainable Solutions for Africa (SSA) is a non-profit organization established in 2021 as the first branch of the Irish group Climate Solutions and Investments Africa (CSIA) committed to mobilizing resources and finding innovative solutions to combat climate change in developing countries.

SSA is specialized in consulting and capacity building; assisting states, public and private institutions in mobilizing resources and funding as well as identifying technological solutions. We provide specialized expertise while contributing to the acceleration of the transition of economies to a low greenhouse gas emissions pathway, resilient to climate change and promoting sustainable development. Focusing on Africa in particular, our actions contribute to the achievement of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and to the priorities identified by countries;

Our actions include addressing barriers that hinder science-based decision-making, identifying and supporting the deployment of technologies that promote sustainable development, climate modelling, and project development for climate investment funds.


To support governments, public and private institutions in the development and implementation of policy programs, strategies and projects related to sustainable development and the fight against climate change.

Our added value

Three areas of innovation to add value to SSA’s activities


